Why use WordPress? Recommendations from our WordPress Nerd

Why should you use WordPress?

WordPress is a free open source content management system that, in the right hands, can be used to create beautiful and dynamic websites. When WordPress first came about over 10 years ago, it was primarily used to create blogging websites. Over time, due to its ease of use and popularity, it has evolved into a popular web-based software program.

One of my very favorite parts of WordPress is the content management system, commonly referred to as a CMS. A content management system is a program what allows a user to publish, edit, add and remove content from his or her website without the need for special software installed on the computer. A CMS allows a user to make edits from any computer, without the fear of making a mistake that will affect the rest of the website or its structure. If a website administrator can create a word document or type an email, he or she is pretty much equipped to maintain a WordPress website.

Not needing special software is priceless — especially for those who, after a busy day at work, head home only to realize they need to make an edit on their website. With a WordPress CMS, an administrator only needs the username and password and a computer, laptop or even iPad to make the change.

So there, in a nutshell, is my favorite reason to use WordPress to build websites. It’s customizable, convenient and the best option for our busy clients.

Posted on January 14, 2015 and filed under Other.