The White House goes after hackers, and Extra Nerds shields you from danger

Photo by Mister GC at

Photo by Mister GC at

The White House today announced its intent to crack down on hackers, phishers, and other cyber security threats,  implementing sanctions against criminals domestic and abroad. More details are available over at Mashable. While this is a long overdue endeavor, it may not deter malicious individuals from continuing to cause harm. For that reason, in addition to providing services around setting up and maintaining WordPress based websites, Extra Nerds has launched a new managed web hosting service. Using proprietary third-party software, we can now create beautiful, mobile-friendly e-commerce websites for your organization and shoulder the responsibility of protecting your website from hackers and malware. Please check out our service offerings, and contact us if you're interested in learning more about establishing a web presence without all the stress of protecting it from hackers.

Posted on April 1, 2015 .